Going back… {PART 1}

I’ve been pondering what to say and where to begin with this blog series. I keep writing it in my head but could never get it out on ‘paper’. It all started when I wanted to do a Personal Photo Challenge (this will be a part of this series, so stay tuned).

The thought for the blog post began as I was packing up my art studio. My husband and I will be moving into a temporary environment soon. As I was packing up memories and ‘junk’ I came across some unused 35mm film from when I was in college. And I know for a fact I have a roll of undeveloped images, somewhere….

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I took 3 Photography courses during my time in college. This was before the time of Digital. I borrowed my father’s 35mm Minolta Camera, and used mainly Black & White T-Max film. I had actually learned in high school how to role the film into canisters and how to add chemicals to process my film into negatives. But fell in love with this process later on in College. I don’t know what it was with spending hours on end in a dark room, with only a red light to see, but I was in love.

I started taking pictures of EVERYTHING… in the dead of winter during a mini-mester at UMHB (’96-’97). It was during an actual cold January in Texas. Mainly objects that didn’t move.






came my Senior year in college and I had to come up with an Artist’s statement and a theme. My theme was childhood. So everything I created had to stick to my theme. So then I had to start taking pictures of moving objects… children. And if you haven’t had a session with a child, it’s tough, but it’s a blast. I at the time didn’t have the advantage of digital like I do now. I didn’t get to ‘view’ my image and decide for a do over. I had to trust I got the shot, and find out later.


I did my first paid session and paid print order (made to order all myself) in the fall of 1999. I did a friend’s Bridal photos. I grew a great appreciation for the professionals.


After finding these unused rolls of film and finding imaging from those ‘ol days. It made me remember back to a Digital Photo challenge I read about. Going back old school, back to film days, but not literally. Which brings me to lead you into wanting to read my next blog.

So there is my tease… and this is the preview of the next in this series.
